Jumat, 11 November 2011

This tutorial will show you how to make a simple, yet effective, slideshow-type image gallery using Flash with minimal scripting.

This is great for displaying your portfolio online, sharing personal photos, or for anywhere else you may need an image gallery or slideshow. What is important for you to take away from this tutorial is the theory and script behind making this slideshow work so you can apply it in your own situations. My example will be a pretty simple layout but the techniques can be applied to something much more involved.

STEP 1: Prepare Flash Document

As usual, the first thing to do is set up the .FLA document. My settings for this one are 530 x 540 at 30 frames per second. It’s not very important that you adhear to these settings as they should reflect your specific needs.

STEP 2: Create Background.

Rename layer 1 to “background”. In the first frame of this background layer create a background or "container" for the slideshow. You can either make something in Flash or import a background if you already have one made in Photoshop. After you are done creating your background or "container", lock the layer so you can’t select it by accident.

STEP 3: Import Assets

Assuming you have already prepared all of your images that are to be in this gallery, it is time to import them. Go to File > Import to Library, find the files you will be using in this project (images and graphical assets alike) and click Open. The assets you selected should now appear in your Library window (PC: Ctl+L, Apple: Command+L).

STEP 4: Laying Out Gallery

Create a new layer and name it “content”. This will hold our images. Drag the first image you want displayed in your gallery to the stage and position it. Select it, hit F8 to Convert to Symbol, name it “mc_content”, hit OK. In the Properties Inspector window give it the instance name “mc_content” as well.
Double-click your new mc_content movie clip to enter editing mode. Rename layer 1, the layer currently holding your image, to "images". This will hold all your images that are to be displayed in the slideshow. Also, I’m going to add a small content area to explain the images. Create a new layer, name it “textbg”. In the first frame of this new layer, I am going to drag out a pre-made text background from my library. I tend to separate my elements as much as possible before bringing them into Flash which allows me the flexibility to animate each element separately if I want to.
Now, create a layer, name it "text". This will hold our descriptions of each image. On the first frame of this new layer, take the Text tool and type out a description of your image and any other information you want displayed with that image.

STEP 5: Adding Content

Now we will put the rest of our images and descriptions in place. Since we have the layout set up, all we are going to do is swap images and text in each frame. To save some time, instead of doing each new image from scratch, I am going to select all 3 frames on all 3 layers by shift-clicking. Then I will hold ALT and click-and-drag copies of the keyframes on to frame 2. Now you should have the same 3 keyframes in frame 1 and 2.
Now, on frame 2 select your image that is displayed (currently the same image as in frame 1), right-click on it and go down to "Swap Bitmap.." (or in Properties Inspector click the "Swap.." button). A dialog will open allowing you to select an image to swap out the current one with. This allows you to keep the exact same positioning (granted your images are the same size) and easily swap out each image with just a few clicks. Select the image you want to be next in your portfolio and hit OK. You should see that your image has swapped. Now select the text on this 2nd keyframe and change it to match your new image. That’s all you have to do for each new image. Duplicate the 3 previous frames, swap the image for the next one in line, replace the text to match and that’s it. Do this until you have all the images with their descriptions in place.
Finally, create a new layer, name it “actions”, select the first frame, and hit F9 to open the scripting window. Add a stop(); to the window (Shortcut: Escape key then S then T).

STEP 6: Add Controls

Go back to the root timeline by clicking the back arrow located up where the file name is displayed. Create a new layer on the root timeline, name it "controls". In frame 1 on the controls layer, drag out pre-made Next and Back buttons from your library that you have made in Photoshop, or create them from scratch using the drawing tools inside of Flash.
Position them and then select the button that will act as your Back button. Hit F8 to Convert to Symbol, select button, then name it “last_btn”. Also, give it an instance name of “last_btn” in the Properties Inspector window.
Double-click the new button to enter editing mode. If you would like, you can give it a simple rollover effect like you would any button. This is also the place where you would add sound effects for rollover or click, however both are optional. What is most important is to give it a decent sized hit area. Do this by dragging a duplicate of the key frame in the UP position to the HIT position by Alt + clicking-and-dragging. Now, with the Hit key frame selected, draw a hit area over the arrow with the rectangle drawing tool.
Follow the same process for the next button. Name the movie clip “next_btn” and give it an instance name of the same in the Properties Inspector window.

STEP 7: Scripting

Now it’s time to add the script that will make this slideshow work. On the root timeline create a new layer, name it "actions". Select the first keyframe of this layer and hit F9 to open the scripting window. Insert this code:

//next button
//last button
The script is saying that when the Next button is pressed, if the current frame that the play head is on equals the total number of frames present in mc_content, then return the play head to frame 1 of mc_content. This will make it appear to loop. Else, if the play head is not on the total number of frames, then it will go on to the next. The Last button is essentially the same, but in reverse. It says if the current frame is frame 1 then go back to the last frame. If it’s not (else) on frame 1, go back 1 frame.

STEP 8: Finishing Touches

One thing you will definitely need is the ability to launch a bigger version of your image or a link to a website if it’s a gallery of web work. Double-click your content_mc movie clip to enter editing mode. I’m going to create a new layer underneath the Actions layer and name it "launch". I am going to use the Text tool to create what will be a button for launching a higher res image. When finished with the type, select it, hit F8 to Convert to Symbol, select button, name it launch_btn and give it an instance name of the same in the Properties Inspector window. As with the arrows, you can give this button a simple rollover, sounds, and most importantly, a hit area if you wish.
Go to your Actions layer and insert this code underneath the stop that that is already there:
The path should be to where your larger version of the image lives on the internet. You can repeat this process for each image that needs to be able to launch in a new window.
That should do it. Now export your movie and check it out. The Next and Back buttons should scroll through the images seemlessly and your Launch button should launch your higher res version in a new browser window, depending of course, on the fact that you put the correct path in the getURL function.
Click the Next or Back button below to see the gallery slideshow in action!

Share & Enjoy

Kamis, 10 November 2011


152 Situs Terbaik Versi MWI

Ringkasan ini tidak tersedia. Harap klik di sini untuk melihat postingan.

Mempercepat Buffering Youtube

Jika anda penggermar youtube ada baiknya anda mencoba trik ini, karena dijamin anda tidak akan pernah merasa kecewa dengan hasil yang akan anda dapatkan. oke langsung saja, untuk memepercepat Buffering Youtube 1. buka firefox anda dan langsung menuju add ons firefox greasemonkey, klik disini. 2. instal add ons greasemonkey pada firefox anda. 3. kemudian masuk ke userscript.org dan pada youtube enchanter, untuk menginstalnya tekan instal pada tombol instal di sudut kanan atas. 4. akan muncul sebuah kotak dialog, tekan saja instal pada kotak dialog tersebut. 5. di situs userscript.org masuk pada userscript updater for greasemonkey, klik disini. 6. instal dengan mengklik tombol instal di sudut kanan atas, kemudian akan muncul kotak dialog, tekan saja instal. 7. restart firefox anda. 8. masuk ke youtube dan lihat akan ada sedikit perbedaan pada tampilan youtube, itu tandanya proses anda berhasil. 9. untuk memaksimalkan buffering silahkan pilih kualitas video yang low kuality. 10. silahkan menikmati youtube sepuasnya. sekian sedikit trik dari saya semoga bermanfaat. terimakasih telah mengunjungi blog saya beginnerstudy.blogspot.com

Senin, 07 November 2011

Verifikasi Paypal Gratis tanpa kartu kredit dan VVC – untuk para pemburu dollar lewat internet pastinya tidak akan asing lagi dengan paypal sejenis kartu kredit online yang biasanya digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran di internet, atau alat pembayaran online ( CMIIW ), nah kita bisa membuat akun di paypal secara gratis, dan akun tersebut bisa lagsung kita gunakaan untuk tempat kita menerima bayaran hasil kerja onine kita, baik dari PTR, maupun jualan link, akan tetapi kita sering terkenadala pada saat akan melakukan withdrawal ke rekening kita, karena kita diwajibkan untuk verifikasi akun paypal kita, nah saat ini ada salah satu cara untuk melakukan cerifikasi akun paypal gratis tanpa harus membeli vvc atau tanpa harus memiliki kartu kredit.

klik http://f*iendf*nder.com/go/g1165105
ganti bintang dengan r dan i
1. Klik : ‘affiliates’

2. Klik : ‘Affliate sign up’

3. Preferred program : isi dengan ‘no.1 Permember payout’

4. First name: isi dengan nama awal Anda

5. Last name : isi dengan nama akhir Anda

6. URL : isi dengan URL website Anda, buat yang belum punya bikin aja dulu blog.

7. Desired password : isi dengan password yang Anda inginkan

8. Preferred newsletter language : english

9. Email adress : isi dengan alamat email Anda

10. Secandary email : kalo ga ada ga usah diisi

11. Checks payable to : Payoneer

12. Street adress: isi dengan alamat jelas rumah Anda (ke alamat inilah kartu debit Mastercard Anda akan dikirim dari New York)

13. City: isi dengan Kota/Kabupaten tempat Anda tinggal

14. State/province : isi dengan Provinsi tempat Anda tinggal

15. ZIP/Postal code : isi dengan kode pos rumah Anda

16. Tax id : kosongkan saja

17. Business classification : individual

18. Phone number : isi dengan no rumah atau handphone Anda

19. Instan messenger : no

20. Use e passporte : no

21. Pastikan terisi dengan benar setelah selesai ‘click here for the last step’

22. Klik ‘Submit’ (checklist dulu kotak persetujuannya)

23. Tertera disitu alamat URL website replikasi Anda (catat alamat ini, karena akan Anda pergunakan untuk promosi).

24. Klik ‘Account information‘ yang ada pada sebelah kanan atas web lalu muncullah account information Anda.

25. Klik ‘here‘ (berwarna biru) untuk meng-update informasi Anda yang berkaitan dengan pembayaran via Payoneer.

26. Klik ‘sign up to be paid by prepaid mastercard‘ (bergaris bawah dan berwarna biru) Anda akan diarahkan untuk membuat kartu debit Mastercard.

27. Klik ‘Get your prepaid mastercard now‘.

28. Ikuti dan isi setiap tahapnya dan beri tanda centang kotak yang sesuai dengan Anda.

29. Dibagian terakhir Anda akan diminta untuk mengisi ID, isilah dengan no: KTP/SIM atau passport Anda.

Dengan cara inilah kita bisa memiliki kartu debit Mastercard melalui Payoneer. Karena kalau kita langsung daftar melalui Payoneer belum bisa karena Indonesia belum diakui.

Setelah selesai pendaftaran, Anda akan menerima email verifikasi dari Payoneer dan Friendfinder. Ikuti saja step stepnya.

Jika kartu debit mastercard sudah anda terima (kurang lebih 3 minggu setelah pendafataran)jangan lupa aktivasi, kemudian promosikan website replika anda.

Jika kartu Payoneer Anda sudah terisi dana, uangnya bisa Anda tarik dari ATM di seluruh dunia, disamping itu dapat Anda pergunakan untuk verifikasi rekening Paypal Anda tanpa harus menggunakan kartu kredit ataupun membeli kartu kredit virtual.sumber : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=2661851

Dengan kata lain kita bisa mendapatkan kartu kredit gratis untuk melakuakn verifikasi akun paypal kita agar bisa kita gunakan untuk belaja online maupun untuk dilakukan pengiriman ke rekening kita, selamat berjuang mengumpulkan dollar dan semoga akun paypal anda penuh terisi dengan Dollar dari kegiatan online anda sekalian
Diposkan oleh ricky blogger di 22:03 0 komentar
Jumat, 12 Maret 2010
pertama2 kalian bikin dl rekening paypal
daftarnya d www.paypal.com
n jgn lupa bahasanya d ubah
supaya kalian mudah membaca caranya

nah!!! d situ ad d suruh pilih :
- pribadi
- primer
- bisnis

utk kalian yg main NS
cukup pilih PRIBADI aj

lalu klik memulai

setelah itu isi formulirnya

catatan : utk kolom tanggal lahir
format isiannya BULAN/TANGGAL/TAHUN
dan tahunnya harus yg berumur 18 tahun ke atas
berarti isi aj TAHUN 1990

krn sering d situ banyak yg salah

dan bagi yg tdk ad kartu kredit

d situ ad tulisan
"Hubungkan kartu kredit saya, supaya saya dapat segera mulai berbelanja (dianjurkan)"

yg d centang

kalian cukup menghilangkan centangnya
setelah formulirnya d isi

setelah itu
maka akan tampak gambar kartu kredit

kalian abaikan saja

kalian klik aj langsung tulisan MASUK KE REKENING SAYA

setelah nampak tabel n saldo paypal anda $0.00 USD

kalian klik LOG OUT

lalu kalian periksa kotak surat email kalian
utk mengkonfirmasikan paypal kalian

supaya nnt bs d LOG IN lagi

setelah msk ke inbox email kalian
d situ ad tulisan HUBUNGKAN KARTU ANDA
lalu klik

nnt ad d minta kode sandi
masukkan aj kode sandi yg kalian bikin td
wkt isi formulir

lalu klik KONFIRMASI

setelah itu
nnt kita d minta msk in dua buah pertanyaan keamanan
pilih aj pertanyaannya
n d jawab
caranya sama kok kayak kita bikin email

kalian pst nya ngerti kan?

setelah d pilih n d isi
lalu klik KIRIMKAN

setelah keluar tampilan baru
kalian langsung klik MASUK KE REKENING SAYA

berhasil dech registrasinya

sekarang masalah survey nya

kalian klik tautan berikut

n kalian isi formulirnya

setelah d isi formulirnya

lalu ikuti dech survey2 nya

dgn cara meng klik tulisan

sampai yg tulisan JANUARY BONUS

jd yg pertama kalian klik yg welcome survey $6.00 dl
lalu nnt akan keluar tampilan baru
lalu klik START SURVEY

lalu nnt ad tampilan baru
d situ kalian d mnt msk in website

jd masukin aj www.paypal.com
ke dua2 nya

setelah itu tekan ENTER

nah nnt ad kluar tampilan yg bertulisan

Click Here to go Home and to see your New Balance

klik aj
berarti kalian berhasil melakukan survey nya
gampang kan

lalu lakukan lg seperti hal yg sama sprt yg d ats

berikut nya kalian klik $4.00

dan seterusnya

nnt kalian akan memperoleh $27.00

utk mendapatkan $75
kalian hrs refer friends

caranya klik REFER FRIENDS

lalu d situ nnt ad tulisan

Your Direct Referring Link is below

d bawahnya ad tautan sperti punya gw

nnt kalian blok lalu kalian copy

n paste kan d dinding2 grup atau dinding2 profil teman2 u

nnt klw ad yg meng klik tautan u
n ad yg mendaftar

nnt otomatis dollar u meningkat secara otomatis sebesar $1.25

jika dollar u udh mencapai $75
baru u bs redeem kan

caranya d bawah tabel jumlah dollar survey u

d situ ad tulisan REDEEM MONEY

d klik aj

lalu setelah muncul tampilan baru

d tulisan Redeem Amount ad pilihan
- $75
- $200
- $350
- $500

u pilih berapa jumlah dollar u skrg

lalu d tulisan Redeem Method ad pilihan uga

n u pilih yg PAYPAL

krn d ats td kan kita bikin PAYPAL
berarti uang nya nnt msk nya d REKENING PAYPAL kalian yg kalian bikin tadi

setelah itu klik REDEEM NOW

nnt kita d minta msk in alamat email yg kita pakai buat PAYPAL td

lalu masukin aj alamat email nya
lalu tekan ENTER

maka d situ kluar tulisan
supaya kita menunggu 5 hari

maka dollar2 tsb akan msk ke REKENING PAYPAL setelah 5 hari kemudian

setelah 5 hari kemudian

kalian cek saldo rekening kalian d PAYPAL
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